Call for paper
Call For Papers
The “International Workshop on Mechatronics Systems Supervision ” (IW_MSS) is an annual International Workshop, organized by the ASICS Association, (ASsociation Ibn CHABBAT des Sciences – Gabes- Tunisia) with ESEO (Ecole Supérieur d’Electronique d’Ouest, France) and ISSIG (Institut Supérieur des Systèmes Industriels de Gabés). IW_MSS’23 is technically sponsored by ASICS Association, IEEE Tunisia Section , ESEO France, ISSIG Tunisia, IEEE Region 8, IEEE Tunisia Control Systems Chapter, Libya CS/SP Chapter, IEEE Tunisia Robotics and Automation Application Chapter, IEEE Tunisia Computational Intelligence Chapter, IEEE Tunisia Power Energy & Power Electronics Chapter, MACS Laboratory Research; National School of Engineers of Gabes; University of Gabes; IREENA Laboratory Research and Higher School in Applied Sciences of Tlemcen.
IW_MSS’23 is an IEEE Conference (C.R.N : 59200#) and financially sponsored by ASICS Association and IEEE Tunisia Section.
Basic Submission Rules
Registration is open and well underway. From one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Hammamet-Tunisia astonishing by Nature, we welcome you to the IW_MSS’2023 Workshop and hope you discover as we have – there’s no place like Hammamet. Please feel free to forward this call for papers to your students and colleagues whom may be interested in participating. We look forward to seeing you here. Areas of Interest Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Call for Invited Sessions Invited session proposals in the above and other areas are also solicited and have to be submitted by sending email to Prof. Eric CHAUVEAU (eric.chauveau@eseo.fr). Proposals will be then reviewed by the committee. Contacts For further details about the event, please contact the following: