Registration and fees
The “International Workshop on Mechatronics Systems Supervision ” (IW_MSS) is an annual International Workshop, organized by the ASICS Association, (ASsociation Ibn CHABBAT des Sciences – Gabes- Tunisia) with ESEO (Ecole Supérieur d’Electronique d’Ouest, France) and ISSIG (Institut Supérieur des Systèmes Industriels de Gabès). IW_MSS’23 is technically sponsored by ASICS Association, IEEE Tunisia Section , ESEO France, ISSIG Tunisia, IEEE Region 8, IEEE Tunisia Control Systems Chapter, Libya CS/SP Chapter, IEEE Tunisia Robotics and Automation Application Chapter, IEEE Tunisia Computational Intelligence Chapter, IEEE Tunisia Power Energy & Power Electronics Chapter, MACS Laboratory Research; National School of Engineers of Gabes; University of Gabes; IREENA Laboratory Research and Higher School in Applied Sciences of Tlemcen. IW_MSS’23 is an IEEE Conference (C.R.N : 59200#) and financially sponsored by ASICS Association and IEEE Tunisia Section.
You can download the Registration_Form_Tunisian_Attendees directly
You can download the Registration_Form_Attendance_Conference directly
Note : Participants from Greater Maghreb countries (Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Mauritania) will benefit from a 30% discount on participation fees (Registration_Form_Greater_Maghreb_Attendees).